
We are team of talented Developer making Watch2gether


Watch2gether Privacy Policy

  • Why We Collect Information

    Watch2gether is the best way to watch videos online with friends. In order to make that happen, we need to know a little bit about you. Here are a few of the services Watch2gether offers because of the data we collect: Fast and easy login Dynamic friend lists Saved user preferences Maintained liked videos and watch history Recommended content from new shows, movies, creators, and channels you'll likely vote for next Improving, operating, developing, protecting, maintaining, and delivering Watch2gether as a service Monitoring and analyzing trends and usage Enforcing, investigating, and reporting conduct violating our Terms of Service and other usage policies, respond to requests from law enforcement, and comply with legal requirements.

  • When you interact with Watch2gether, we collect the information you provide to us. For example, we require you to set up an account where we need to collect a few important details about you, such as a username, handle, password, email address, and profile picture. We may also ask you to provide us with some additional information, such as date of birth if you try to view mature content. Of course, in order for you to chat with your friends, you also provide us with the information you send through our services, such as chats, voice, and all those amazing memes. Keep in mind that the users who use Watch2gether could save that content or copy it outside the app. So, use same common sense that applies to the internet at large: Don’t send messages or share content that you wouldn’t want someone to save or share. When using Watch2gether, you are prompted to sign into third-party video services. We never collect, save, maintain, or propagate these passwords.

  • We maintain all your information until your account is deleted. This includes basic profile information - like your name, handle, profile picture -, list of friends, liked videos, watch history, and chat logs. If you delete your Watch2gether account, data associated with your account will be destroyed in 30 days.